Saturday, May 26, 2012

My one year anniversary in LA is coming up. I can't really assess if I accomplished what I wanted because I don't think I knew exactly what I wanted to accomplish when I came here. I thought I wanted to act in film and tv but the things you have to do to get there just aren't worth it to me anymore. A new position has opened up at work... I was encouraged to apply so I'm hoping this is a sign that they want me. We'll see. My company can be like a shit boyfriend... he'll be kind and sweet and make you weak in the knees, and when you least expect it, he'll tell you to put on a dress, meet him at a fancy restaurant and then not show-up. By the way, this has never happened to me in real life thank God but it's kinda how I think my place of work can be. I'm happy to be working though so I won't complain. Anyway, I will post more soon!