Thursday, January 24, 2013


Work. Is. So. Busy. I guess that's a good thing. We had a new co-worker but she was let go after just a month. I felt bad for her but I think the job wasn't right for her. Our generation takes computer skills for granted but she was a little older and I think that made things a little hard for her. Anyway, for whatever reason it made me paranoid that my job was under scrutiny but I realize that's silly. Not to be all conceited but they really can't get rid of me because I do so much sh** I think they'd be kind of screwed if they suddenly got rid of me or I up and quit. Not that I think they'd do that because my office is actually really nice (with the exception of a few stupid, lazy and/or rude people).

Anyway, my life is going in all sorts of different directions. It's so unexpected. Improv. is still in my life and I applied to a post-bacc program I'm really interested in so hopefully that pans out. Other than that, I think I'm a lot happier than I was in NYC and that's very important to me. Life is just too precious and too short to be unhappy!

Also, I've been listening to this podcast called "Let's Eat In" and I guess the host wrote a book all about living in NYC and just eating in. It's really inspiring. I love going to restaurants as much as the next person but lately I've been enjoying cooking and eating at home more. Plus it's been good for my bank account. If I do take the school road, I will probably be broke for about 4 years so I might as well get used to it!

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