Sunday, March 10, 2013


This week I vow to not gossip. Yes. I admit it. I do it. But perhaps I'm most guilty of listening to it and then either egging the person on by being an avid listener or asking questions. I hate this. I always feel a little gross after I do it. And I really hate it when it's about people I barely even know. One of my work relationships thrived on gossip. This girl/woman was a real devout gossiper. I noticed that whenever I complained about someone , she was always there to listen, contribute and then she would come back later and want to talk about it some more. When I stopped telling her things, she stopped coming around. Interesting. So starting this week, I'm going to keep my mouth shut and if someone wants to tell me some dirt, I'll be as polite as I can while disengaging. I want to be a better person. Hopefully this won't make life boring!

Friday, March 1, 2013


After year's of picking up other people's produce box while they were on vacation, I have finally become a member of my own CSA here in LA. This week was my second pick-up and it was so exciting! This is where I wish I had a better camera so I could take a photo of everything and post it up.

One of the veggies I got is Mizuna. I'm sooo excited to use this because I was first introduced to it while working at a Shojin restaurant in NYC. Mizuna is a green that has a slight mustard flavor to it. It can be eaten in salad form or sauteed, added to soup etc. Basically you can do almost anything with it. I'm still deciding if I want to go the salad route or the sauteed route. Being of Taiwanese-descent, my first instinct when it comes to a vegetable is to saute it with garlic!

I must admit that it did give me a bit of anxiety to have all this produce in my refrigerator. It means I have to cook it all. But at the same time, I feel like it's a challenge and a chance for me to be creative with vegetables that I'm not familiar with. Also, there's a decent amount of fruit in the box and since this is California, of course we have tons of citrus. I actually don't like to eat fruit so much. I eat bananas regularly but that's about it. I think I was traumatized by the horrible fruit in NYC grocery stores. The only time I had fruit was when I bought it from the Union Square Green Market but because it was kind of far from my apartment and always crowded, I only frequented it maybe once every 2 months and in the winter... NEVER. So joining this CSA has 2 really good perks, it's making me be more creative in the kitchen and it's also making me eat fruit!