Friday, March 1, 2013


After year's of picking up other people's produce box while they were on vacation, I have finally become a member of my own CSA here in LA. This week was my second pick-up and it was so exciting! This is where I wish I had a better camera so I could take a photo of everything and post it up.

One of the veggies I got is Mizuna. I'm sooo excited to use this because I was first introduced to it while working at a Shojin restaurant in NYC. Mizuna is a green that has a slight mustard flavor to it. It can be eaten in salad form or sauteed, added to soup etc. Basically you can do almost anything with it. I'm still deciding if I want to go the salad route or the sauteed route. Being of Taiwanese-descent, my first instinct when it comes to a vegetable is to saute it with garlic!

I must admit that it did give me a bit of anxiety to have all this produce in my refrigerator. It means I have to cook it all. But at the same time, I feel like it's a challenge and a chance for me to be creative with vegetables that I'm not familiar with. Also, there's a decent amount of fruit in the box and since this is California, of course we have tons of citrus. I actually don't like to eat fruit so much. I eat bananas regularly but that's about it. I think I was traumatized by the horrible fruit in NYC grocery stores. The only time I had fruit was when I bought it from the Union Square Green Market but because it was kind of far from my apartment and always crowded, I only frequented it maybe once every 2 months and in the winter... NEVER. So joining this CSA has 2 really good perks, it's making me be more creative in the kitchen and it's also making me eat fruit!

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