Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm so happy!

I notice the happier I get, the more I notice how unhappy other people are and I feel really sorry for them. But when I'm totally unhappy, I want to slap that stupid smile off a happy person's face. Lately I've been really happy. It's not like anything really great has happened. I think I'm just making a conscious effort to be happy. It's funny that it's that simple. When I'm happy, the usual things that would annoy me, simply don't annoy me and then I get even happier. So I really hope I look back on this post and instead of wishing I was happy, I'd smile and remember when it all started. This post is probably lame but at this point I don't care what anyone thinks. Why? Well, this is my blog and I can write whatever the fuck I want. And because I do whatever fuck I want, I'm including a random photo of heart-shaped biscuits I made.

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