Sunday, October 16, 2011

I think I like my new job. Everyone is nice. The hard part is everyone wanting to hear about my life in NYC and the acting. I understand that they are curious. I'm not ashamed of the last 8 years of my life but I'm not really wanting to talk about it with people I just met. Anyway, I just want to enjoy the moment. That's my life philosophy right now.  But isn't that what you're supposed to do in life anyway? I have questions about my future. Am I going to work for this non-profit forever? Am I going to go to Grad. School? If I go to Grad. School what will I study? Am I going to stop acting forever?

I had my second class show yesterday. I wasn't as relaxed as I was in the first one but Manny said he thought this show was even better so that's good to know. I'm a little sad because I'm not sure when the next time I'm going to get to do some improv. is now that this class is over. Everyone in my class auditioned for a Harold team at UCB this week. I didn't do it because I didn't feel ready. But what does "ready" even mean? I guess I was too scared. I admit it. Anyway, I'm still hoping to put together a practice group and hopefully we can start performing and officially be a team. Improv. is in my blood. It's such a nerd activity which is probably why I like it.

I'm still working at the yoga studio Saturday mornings... a little extra money and free, unlimited yoga. Granted I have to wake up at 6am on Saturdays, I think the pros outweight the cons. The guy that leads the AA yoga thanked me for having the donation envelope and the candles ready for him everytime he comes in. He said no one ever did that for his meetings. I told him that I wanted to do whatever I could to make things easier and I meant it. Sometimes I think of working in counseling or social work or something like that. My non-profit provides those kinds of social services... but that would mean I have to go back to school and I'm not ready to make that kind of committment. And I'm really sensitive and a lot of times things affect me more deeply and strongly than other people. It kind of sucks.

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