Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Work is taking up all of my time and for the most part I like it. It's good to keep busy. But I get home and I can't stand to turn the computer on because I'm staring at one all day at work. It's a miracle I'm even on it right now, writing this blog. I'm reading a collection of short stories by Murakami... is that how you spell his name? Anyway, he writes about the difference between writing a novel and writing a short story in the intro. He prefers the latter. I found this inspiring because I'm always having a hard time finishing anything I write and so maybe the short story format is a good way to go... less pressure. And Jen sent me this:

Perfect timing! Besides going to work, I've mostly just been eating and watching my DVRed shows during the week and on the weekends I just read and do yoga. It's nice... but there's that part of me that makes me feel like I need to start being more ambitious... how or what I don't know. Maybe it's okay to live and breathe in the moment and not be shooting for something. I don't know and I'm starting to be okay with not knowing. Anyway, off to bed. I'm pooped.


Rubber Cowgirl said...

Murakami is great. Funny though, I've never read his short stories, only his novels. Have you read Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World? I think that one's my favorite.

Meg said...

This is the first of his writing I've experienced. It's wonderful. I will definitely read "Hardboiled Wonderland" and "End of the World!"