Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I got the job. =) No waiting tables for me! I am now going to work as an office manager for a non-profit that provides social services to the Asian community. The HR woman who interviewed me said there was room for growth within the organization and they like to hire from within. We'll see where this takes me... I am so grateful, so happy to have stability. I was lucky enough to have a friend who forwarded my resume to them. I'm still going to try and stay on at the yoga studio at least for Saturday mornings. It'll just be a little extra money and of course... free yoga. I can't believe I'm a 9-5 person now. I don't know what this means for my acting or my future but at this point it is a happy day.

Then comes the part where I have to get trained and then it'll take some time to get used to a new job, but I'm ready! I am going to get a discounted bus pass and use that instead of driving every day. I think I will save a lot on gas and I'm looking at the bus ride as time to read and write a little.

I received the nice phone call while we were at Target yesterday debating on what dish rack to get. We ended up not getting the dish rack because the better quality one would have cost almost $20... is that normal for a freaking dish rack?! The $10 was so cheaply made I didn't want to buy that one either.

Anyway, we went to the new West Hollywood Library yesterday too. It is beautiful. I am glad my tax dollars are being put to good use. I went to pick-up my copy of "Mockingjay"! I haven't started reading it yet because the minute I do, I won't be able to concentrate on anything else.


Jen said...

Congrats Meg, that is awesome news! I'm so happy for you. As for the 9-5 thing... yeah, it makes you feel old and like one of the masses, but it's not so bad. :)

Rubber Cowgirl said...

hooray! congratulations!