Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm feeling kind of excited today. I have this idea of what I want my life to be like in the near future. I have an idea of how I make money and how I can express all these ideas I've had floating around in my head for the last few years. Sadly the two are separate at the moment so the job I'd do to make money wouldn't be fulfilling but it'd allow me to do the latter. I've been letting myself day-dream and visualize what I want in detail. I know whatever happens won't be exactly the same but it really gives me hope and gets me out of bed in the morning, so why not.

Our friend who came to visit us on Friday night was someone who we've worked together on some projects back in NYC. Manny worked with her as an actor and I worked with her at the Asian American Film Lab when we were both workshopping new works. She's an amazing writer in addition to being an amazing actor. She asked if Manny and I would be the leads in her short film. This made me so excited!!! And I realize that I want to create and if it doesn't take my career anywhere and doesn't make me any money, I don't care. So at this moment, I am content to walk away from pursuing acting as a profession. I know I never thought of writing as a viable career option for me because (a) I don't do it that much and (b) I never thought I was that great at it but I think because I have a lot of free time these days I'm going to let myself give it a shot (besides this blog of course). I got a lot of positive feedback from a short play I wrote awhile ago which surprised me because I didn't even know how to write a play but the ideas I had in the play were honest, true and raw which is all that really matters to me.

This is a nice, quiet Sunday. It'd be almost perfect if Manny and I weren't worried about jobs in the back of our minds...

And I didn't even acknowledge 9/11. If anything, I am happy I am alive and the ones that I love are here with me. I am grateful for that.

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