Thursday, September 8, 2011

Today was a rough day but I'm safe at home now and I can't wait to shower and get into bed with a good book and maybe if my cats are in a loving mood, one of them will come cuddle with me. It's the small things these days that can lift my spirits. I went to a yoga class this morning and the minute I got to the studio, my co-worker proceeded to tell me there was an attempted robbery the night before. Apparently someone hid in our building and then made a hole through a wall to get to the jewelry store in the building connected to ours. This is incredibly disturbing because I was the one who locked up the studio last night. So, my yoga class wasn't relaxing like it should have been.

The domino effect is incredibly annoying. I had my improv. class today and I was in such a depressed mood. I wasn't as energetic as I normally am. Usually I jump out every chance I get and I love providing support for my teammates' scenes. Today my improv. reflexes were very slow. I think the teacher noticed and pointed some things out. I'm trying to be more social with improvisers in LA but it's hard because I feel like I'm constantly in a state of depression, worry or anxiety. I try to check the baggage at the door but today I just couldn't seem to do it. Forming an indie team and doing shows is really all about networking. I think as long as you don't suck badly, you should be able to get on a team if you talk to and are nice to the right people.

With that being said, rather than curl up in a ball and cry after class, I made myself eat some dinner and I headed to a weekly improv. show in Hollywood to see my teacher's team perform and get to know some of my classmates better. I'm glad I went. I had some good laughs and interacting with people who have lived in LA for awhile makes me feel like I belong here... whatever that means. I was stressed about finding parking and it took me awhile. Then I was worried I didn't read the signs right and I would get a ticket. I realize now that this is one of those annoying LA things and I will have to accept it and get used to it. This is a running theme in my life right now... accepting things as they are. If you can't change something, you might as well deal with it and perhaps embrace it for what it is. Resistance makes things harder.

Now I am going to wash this day away and head to bed. I'm thinking this is a boring post but that was my day and I felt compelled to document it. Tomorrow will be a good day. I will make sure of it.

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